Monday, June 22, 2020

June 22, 2020 Update

Well, it's been a while since I've been on this blog site, seven years and twenty-two days to be exact. Sad, actually, to let her go for so long without so much as a word. I had such high and mighty hopes for this blog, but as with all things pertaining to my life, it only mattered to me. 
I did delete many things before I left, things that mattered to me, but only mattered to others as a means to harass and bully me. For someone who has battled severe depression and low self-esteem all of her life, the last thing I needed was to be put down and made fun of concerning things that were important to me.
I refuse to 'grow a thicker skin' when people refuse to show human kindness! 
Why am I always the one who has to change and make compromises? 

Anyway, dropping in for a few minutes to revisit this site only farther depresses me. 

Maybe another day, but today ain't that day.

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