Sunday, March 27, 2011

Haven't written on here in a while, though I still write daily...Just not here. It's a Sunday and I'm sitting here wondering where the time has'd the past get by so quickly?...and what will tomorrow hold??? Moved here about 18-19 months ago. Loved the first...but then hubby's job transferred him down south and his time home has dwindled to pretty much nothing. I miss him & I need him. Within months, the new of this place wore off and now I find myself lonely and a tad bit overwhelmed. While this property IS my home, it's not exactly MY home...Sounds contradictory, I know, but I guess this is just one of those instances where you just have to "be here to know here". It just goes to prove that no matter how much you plan, things work out the way they're going to work out regardless if those things were in your plans or not!