Wednesday, December 2, 2009

William Anthony Stetson 1964-1985

The wind blows gently

across the hills

stirring leaves and hearts alike…

sending bits of me away-

bringing pieces of you

back to me.

You’ve been gone

longer than you lived,

your youth captured

forever in your death…

Yet it seems like only yesterday

when I kissed your brow Good-Bye.

And …you haunt me

all these long, weary years

with a pain that never dies…

as the wind blows past

I feel your breath

as it once felt upon my skin.

I’ve found your scent

in the piney woods,

heard you whisper

as the wind stirred

through the needles…

I’ve felt your caress

in a hot, steady breeze

sliding easily over desert sands.

I’ve watched your passion

as it hit the beaches

on a constant, steady

Gulf Breeze…

Your laughter I find

in a cold, blue norther

rushing in with surprise

as it tickles my face

causing a smile deep down

in my heart.

After twenty-four years,

I still miss you…

I still love you…

The wind blows gently

across the hills

stirring leaves and hearts alike…

telling me that you are still alive

in my memories,

in my heart.


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